Tuesday 5 April 2016

Production: Week 20

Week 20 - Workshop & Filming

Tuesday 8th March:

  • Today we filmed our first scene with Charlie Hunt as the actor - Location: Milan's room located in Turing College. I learned a lot from this as it was the first shooting and it made me realise how many different shots we had to get for example; tight shots, medium close ups, wide shots, establishing shots, tracking shots and panning shots (these are just a few of them). 
  • I was able to overcome issues as a cameraman by alerting the other members of the group to halt recording when the camera wasn't ready or in focus.
  • Problems were arising with one of the cameras we used during filming as it would sometimes randomly stop the filming after I had pressed record so to overcome this we swapped the cameras and transferred the SD card.
  • Another problem which continuously arose was that the shot would be out of focus and I would have to ask the actor to redo the scene in the script as it was out of focus but this was my mistake as I was quickly able to remember to refocus before every shot. 

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