Thursday, 7 April 2016

Production & Post-Production: Week 23

Week 23 - Seminar & Filming & Editing

Tuesday 29th March:

Charlie was free for half an hour at night so Phoebe and Ariane who were the only ones available went to film this scene in the library in our place - this was the only day I missed a filming session.

Thursday 31st March::

  • Rachel's scene in the library and walking up the Eliot footpath (the last scene we needed for filming) was filmed today. Thanks to the planning of the scenes beforehand we were able to film very quickly from location to location.
  • Firstly we re-filmed Rachel walking through the Jennison doors as it was raining the first time we did it, therefore we re-did it in sunny weather for continuity. 
  • Secondly we walked to the library with the equipment in hand and filmed her entering the library from various angles and walking up the stairs and looking for a book. Doing research on library scenes, I managed to find a few good examples in the following link:
  • I decided I wanted to film something in between the shelves like either the Ghostbusters example or the Harry Potter example.

  • Lastly, we went to Eliot footpath to film our last ever shoot for the short film. What we could have done better in this scene was how steady we held the camera as it would make for tougher editing and cutting to that shot from wide to tight. When I tried to record her legs walking up the footpath it was too low for the tripod and I didn't want to put the camera on the floor so I ended up firmly planting myself on the floor for the steadiest shot I could possibly get. 
     Planting myself on the floor for a steady shot of Rachel's feet

    Closer shot of myself 
    The whole group bar Milan (who took the photo) filming on the footpath
    Shot of the group recording Rachel

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