Tuesday 1 March 2016

Production: Week 19

Week 19 - Lecture & Workshop

Monday 29th February:

The group got together in the afternoon and we decided to create the storyboard which I drew all but 2 of the frames, however the group were reading out the treatment and we were constantly deciding which scenes should go where and what exactly should be done, the location and minor details were all discussed. This was really helpful to do as a group as it made it all so clear to everybody exactly how the short film was going to be done and what's happening in each scene. Another reason it was so helpful was because it eliminated the individual differences between everyone's thoughts about how each scene was going to be done and now it feels as though there is a collective mind planning out the film. 

Here is what the final storyboard looks like:

The rough storyboard which helped us get an overview of the film
  • Although the drawings look of low quality, the notation on them helps a lot and the fact we did this exercise was quite useful as we learned how often cuts need to be made and how much extra filming we might need to fill or shorten the duration of the short film which is limited to 2-3 minutes.

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