Tuesday 5 April 2016

Production: Week 21

Week 21 - Seminar & Filming

Monday 14th March:
  • Rachel's morning scene was filmed on this day - with the location being Ariane's room located in Parkwood flats. This was chosen to show that she was in a different location (the other side of campus) to the other protagonist of the story.
  • This was the first time I encountered problems with space and having a tripod being too large, therefore I was able to overcome this by creating my own tripod using various items found laying in Ariane's room and bathroom. With the help of another member of the group, I was able to successfully keep the makeshift tripod steady.

  • This scene helped me learn that group work is important when it comes to creating a short film as you need assistance from other people and cannot get it done by yourself, for example the lighting and sound being checked by the director and also the sound person (Phoebe). 
  • This shot had good high key lighting which illuminated Rachel's face for her makeup scenes making her appear more angelic as it is from a higher angle with a soft glow (soft lighting). 

Saturday 19th March:

  • Venue scene with both Charlie and Rachel (final scene in short film) was filmed on this day. 
  • Many problems were encountered in this day for example, the sun was too bright and directly where we wanted to film so this caused glare in the lens. To overcome this problem I moved the camera to a different angle and we had to plan a different shot as a group from profile shots to frontal views of our protagonist. 
  • We also did not have a dolly to track the character with so we walked with a handheld camera, this caused a lot of shake which would be fixed through stabilising in the editing at a later date.
  • Another practical problem was that the location was too busy and there were constantly people walking through the shot which caused me to have to do multiple takes for each scene. Through this I believe it made me gain some patience and the art of remaining calm when people ruined the shot by walking straight through. The director and producer stood in the way of people and kindly asked them to go round, therefore slightly resolving the problem but not entirely as some people managed to get in the scene still.
  • At the end of the filming, Charlie had to leave and we remained with Rachel filming some extra tight shots, this was very useful as they would come in handy when editing as they can be used to cut to and from and make it all seem a lot more seamless altogether. This gave me more experience as a cameraman because I was able to adjust the settings of the camera on location to change from the type of long and wide shots we had been filming to close ups on steadicam.

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