Thursday 7 April 2016

Production: Week 22

Week 22 - Seminar & Filming

Friday 25th March:

  • Ariane, Milan and I filmed Charlie's scene in the EDA building and JCS2. This was the first scene I filmed but planned out all the shots first on a notepad. This saved a lot of time as I wrote down each angle, distance and type of shot for example, low angle mid tracking shot.
  • I learned from this scene that everything goes much more smoother if you plan out the shots from the beginning as it let me understand what kind of shots we needed to transition the film smoothly and gave me an idea of the overview of the scene and what exactly was going to happen in it.

Sunday 27th March:

  • Rachel's EDA scene - parallel to the Charlie EDA scene was filmed by myself and Ariane but then shortly joined after by Katy. 
  • This scene went very well and was one of the most easiest ones to record and I felt very in control and that we got it done very efficiently, this is because of the smaller amount of people filming and because we had planned the shots and done the parallel already with Charlie. The only problem I would say that we encountered during this was the battery running out in the camera and having to swap cameras and re-do all the settings which may have taken up a bit more time than intended. 
  • In one of the photos below, I am seen squatting on the sofa, this was a small problem that was easily overcome. The specific eye level angle we were looking for that normally allows the audience to focus more on the character (according to media theory) was too difficult to attain due to fixed furniture being an obstacle. This is why I had to set the tripod to the smallest it goes and then crouch behind it on the sofa - simple yet effective.

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